Jews For Hillary

Jewish Supporters of Hillary Clinton

Archive for September, 2007

Statement of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton in Support of Stop Iran Now Rally

Posted by jewsforhillary on September 24, 2007

Statement of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton in Support of Stop Iran Now Rally

“As thousands gather today in New York to decry the hateful and inciteful actions of the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, I am proud to join them by adding my voice to their efforts. As we know too well, the President of Iran has made a series of incendiary, outrageous comments, questioning the Holocaust and calling for Israel to be wiped off the map. Israel’s right to exist – and exist in safety – must never be put in question. To deny the Holocaust places the President of Iran in company with the most despicable bigots and historical revisionists. These hateful statements are beyond the pale of international discourse and acceptability.

His request to visit to Ground Zero, the site of the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil in our nation’s history — a request that was properly denied —was unacceptable as Iran continues to refuse to renounce and end its support of terrorism. President Ahmadinejad’s outrageous comments and support for terrorism is even more disturbing when viewed in the context of the regime’s quest to acquire nuclear weapons; his anti-American, anti-Israeli rhetoric underscores the seriousness of the threat. United States policy in this regard must be clear and unequivocal. We cannot and must not permit Iran to build or acquire nuclear weapons.

We can and we must continue to speak up. I commend all of those raising their voices to raise awareness of the Iranian regime’s policies and statements during President Ahmadinejad’s visit. We must continue to work together to put pressure on Iran until it ends its anti-American and anti-Semitic policies of hate, ends its nuclear weapons program, renounces sponsorship of terrorism, supports Middle East peace, and plays a constructive role in stabilizing Iraq.”

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Hillary Calls on Hungarian Government to Return Artwork Stolen During Holocaust to Rightful Owner

Posted by jewsforhillary on September 18, 2007

Senator Clinton Calls on Hungarian Government to Return Stolen Artwork to Rightful Owner — Artwork Stolen During Holocaust Currently Held By Two Hungarian-State-Owned Museums (News release and copy of letter)

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton today joined with other members of the Helsinki Commission to call on the Hungarian government to return multiple pieces of artwork that were stolen during the Holocaust to their rightful owner, Martha Nierenberg. In a letter to Hungary’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Kinga Goncz, the members of the Commission urged the speedy and long-overdue restoration of ten paintings currently held by two Hungarian-state-owned museums, the Museum of Fine Arts and the Hungarian National Gallery.

“For too long, Martha Nierenberg has sought the return of paintings stolen from her family from the Hungarian government,” said Senator Clinton. “I urge the Hungarian government to take immediate action to resolve Martha Nierenberg’s claims.”


Posted in Hillary, Hillary Clinton, Holocaust, Holocaust Restitution, Hungary, Stolen Artwork | Leave a Comment »

Senate Passes Clinton Bill on Nuclear Terrorism

Posted by jewsforhillary on September 18, 2007

Senate Unanimously Approves Clinton Amendment to Help Prevent Nuclear Terrorism
Amendment included as Part of the FY 2008 National Defense Authorization Act

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NYSun: Clinton Reminds Voters Of Her Strong Commitment to Israel

Posted by jewsforhillary on September 17, 2007

Clinton Reminds Voters Of Commitment to Israel

Last Tuesday, prior to the start of the Jewish High Holiday season, Mrs. Clinton’s campaign circulated a paper articulating her support for Israel. Headlined “Hillary Clinton: A Long History of Strong and Steadfast Leadership for the U.S.-Israel Relationship,” the statement addressed Mrs. Clinton’s positions on Israel’s fight against terrorism, the threat of Iran’s development of nuclear weapons, and Jerusalem’s status as Israel’s capital. “Hillary Clinton believes that Israel’s right to exist in safety as a Jewish state, with defensible borders and an undivided Jerusalem as its capital, secure from violence and terrorism, must never be questioned,” the paper states.
The release of the policy paper on the eve of a contentious season harkens back to a high-profile statement Mrs. Clinton made on Jerusalem as she made her early strides to the Senate seat held by Daniel Patrick Moynihan in 1999. Back then, she penned a letter to Mandell Ganchrow, the president of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, highlighting the importance of Jerusalem: “I personally consider Jerusalem the eternal and indivisible capital of Israel.”
When Mrs. Clinton sought her Senate seat, shoring up Jewish support was essential. Several months after her July 1999 missive on Jerusalem, she kissed Suha Arafat after the wife of the Palestinian Authority’s leader had accused Israel of using poison gas against its people. Over time, Mrs. Clinton’s advocacy for Israel on the campaign trail and in the Senate helped solidify her backing among this voting bloc.
“I’m comfortable with Hillary’s positions. I’m proud of Hillary’s positions. I believe she’s been successful over the years building a broad base of supporters. I think she’s appealing to progressive voters, centrist voters, and those for whom Israel and Israel’s national security is their single most important issue,” said Steve Grossman, a former president of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and a Clinton adviser on Middle East issues.
Hank Sheinkopf, a Democratic strategist, said Mrs. Clinton’s stance on Israel and Jerusalem made policy and political sense — despite potentially angering many in the liberal base of her party. “It is consistent with her positioning of the last several years. She is not a liberal on foreign policy matters,” Mr. Sheinkopf said.


Posted in 2008, Hillary, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Statements, Iran, Israel, Jerusalem | Leave a Comment »

Senator Clinton Welcomes Opening of Disaster Assistance Center in Brooklyn Following Last Month’s Storms

Posted by jewsforhillary on September 17, 2007

Senator Clinton Welcomes Opening of Disaster Assistance Center in Brooklyn Following Last Month’s Storms

Washington, DC – Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton today welcomed news that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will coordinate efforts at a newly opened Disaster Assistance Center in Brooklyn to provide support to residents and business that were affected by the severe storm that battered New York City on August 8th. The opening of the Disaster Assistance Center follows last week’s decision by FEMA to amend the President’s August 31st major disaster declaration for the State of New York to include Brooklyn. Immediately following the storm, Senator Clinton had called on President Bush to quickly provide the necessary aid and funding to the residents of New York City who were impacted.

“The opening of the Disaster Assistance Center in Brooklyn will be a source of information and aid to those people whose property and businesses were damaged,” said Senator Clinton. “The storm took everyone by surprise and many people are still faced with the financial burden of recovering. It is important that the people of Brooklyn know where to go to get information and help if they were impacted. No one should be left bearing an unnecessary burden in the wake of this severe storm.”

Late last week, FEMA announced that they were amending the President’s major disaster declaration of August 31st for the State of New York, to include coverage for Kings County. This triggered the release of federal aid in the form of Individual Assistance (IA) for residents and Hazard Mitigation assistance for local authorities to aid in the recovery from severe storms, flooding, and tornadoes that occurred August 8, 2007.

According to FEMA, the Disaster Assistance Center will be made available to Brooklyn residents and business owners who were adversely affected by the August 8th storm. The Individual Assistance, to be coordinated by FEMA, can include grants to help pay for temporary housing, home repairs and other serious disaster-related expenses. Low-interest loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration also will be available to cover residential and business losses not fully compensated by insurance. Federal funding also is available on a cost-sharing basis for hazard mitigation measures for all counties within the state.

According to FEMA, to be eligible for disaster assistance aid applicants must register within 60 days of the date of the disaster declaration of August 31st. People who are seeking aid are not required to visit the Disaster Assistance Center, and may also register via the internet or by phone at:

  • Through FEMA’s website at
  • By phone at 1-800-621-FEMA (3362). Registration lines are open 7 days a week, 8:00am to 9:00pm. Speech or hearing impaired residents should call TTY: 1-800-462-7585
  • To meet in person with city, state, and federal disaster experts you may visit the Disaster Assistance Center which is located at 552 59th St., Brooklyn (Notre Dame Hall in Our Lady of Perpetual Help school). The Center will be open Monday through Saturday, 11:00am to 7:00pm.

To speed the process, residents should have the following information available when they apply for assistance: Social Security number (and that of your spouse); private insurance, if applicable; address and zip code of the damaged property; directions to the damaged home or property and a daytime telephone number.

Posted in FEMA, Hillary, Hillary Clinton | Leave a Comment »

Hillary Clinton campaign position paper on Israel

Posted by jewsforhillary on September 16, 2007

Hillary Clinton campaign position paper on Israel – Sept. 10, 2007

From her first trip to Israel on New Year’s Day in 1982 through her years as a U.S. Senator, Hillary Clinton has a long history of steadfast leadership on behalf of a strong US-Israel relationship. Her connection to the State of Israel, which began when she brought an innovative Israeli preschool education program to Arkansas, has grown, and today, she stands as one of Israel’s leading defenders and supporters in the United States Senate.

The importance of the US-Israel relationship:
Hillary Clinton has a deep and abiding commitment to a strong US-Israel relationship – one rooted in the shared tradition of open democracy, free expression, women’s rights, the rule of law, and reinforced by our shared interest for peace, freedom, and prosperity. She believes that this unbreakable bond, which has been a hallmark of American foreign policy for more than 50 years, must continue to be the cornerstone of America’s Middle East policy. Hillary recognizes that Israel is a most important strategic ally against the scourge of terrorism and radicalism. She has proven this commitment by consistently leading the way in support of legislation that strengthens this mutually-beneficial relationship. “Israel,” she said, “is not only a friend and ally for us; it is a beacon of what democracy can and should be.” [AIPAC 5/24/05]

Standing with Israel against terrorism:
Hillary Clinton believes that Israel’s right to exist in safety as a Jewish state, with defensible borders and an undivided Jerusalem as its capital, secure from violence and terrorism, must never be questioned. Having visited Israel more than half a dozen times on both political and personal trips, Hillary has first-hand understanding of the challenges that Israel faces. “It is essential for those of us who care deeply about what is happening in and to Israel, to recognize that Israel’s struggle is a struggle on behalf of a future where people will be able to live with peace and security.” [AIPAC 2/1/07]. Hillary has consistently stood with Israel in its fight against terrorism. She was a strong supporter of Israel’s right to build a security barrier and spoke out against the International Court of Justice for questioning Israel’s right to do so. Hillary introduced legislation calling for the immediate release of the three Israeli soldiers being held captive by Hamas and Hezbollah and co-sponsored a resolution expressing support for Israel during last summer’s war with Lebanon. As a co-sponsor of the Syria Accountability Act, Hillary also believes that the United States must pressure Syria to stop hosting, supporting and sponsoring international terrorist groups that threaten both US troops in the Middle East and our ally, Israel.

Stopping Iran’s nuclear ambitions:
Hillary Clinton believes that Iran’s nuclear pursuit, coupled with its leadership’s despicable anti-Semitic rhetoric, require that the United States do everything it can to deny nuclear weapons to Iran. “U.S. policy must be clear and unequivocal. We cannot, we should not, we must not, permit Iran to build or acquire nuclear weapons. And in dealing with this threat, as I have said for a very long time, no option can be taken off the table.” [Speech on the floor of Senate 2/14/07] Hillary has issued statements denouncing the Iranian President’s anti-Israel rhetoric and denial of the Holocaust, and called on Secretary Rice to place the United States at the forefront of delivering a strong, united, and unambiguous condemnation before the international community. Hillary believes that the United States should use every tool in its arsenal – from imposing economic sanctions to siphoning off funds for Iran’s nuclear program to initiating a process of direct engagement with Iran. Since she was elected to the Senate in 2000, Hillary has been a strong leader on legislative action aimed at mounting economic and political pressure on Iran through support of the Iran Counter-Proliferation Act and the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act. Hillary also believes in pursuing vigorous diplomacy with Iran. Just as the US government was engaged in direct talks with the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War, so today should the US talk to Iran in order to gain valuable insight, intelligence and information about how to pressure its leadership to change course. But Hillary has said that as president she would not commit to personal meetings with leaders of rogue states without conditions, such as Iran. In dealing with our adversaries, she would plan carefully, and lay the groundwork, and make sure that we achieve meaningful progress as the most responsible way to enhance U.S. security.

Securing Magen David Adom’s acceptance into the International Committee of the Red Cross:
Outraged by the exclusion of Magen David Adom from the International Red Cross, Hillary Clinton became a champion for MDA’s cause. She sponsored legislation that limited US contributions to the International Committee of the Red Cross until it recognized MDA, urged the Swiss government to find a solution that would bestow full participation for the MDA, and spoke out tirelessly on this issue. Finally in the summer of 2006, the ICRC righted this historic wrong and admitted MDA into the International Red Cross.

The leading voice against Anti-Semitism in Palestinian schools:
In 1999, Hillary first spoke out against the textbooks used in Palestinian schools, which reject Israel’s right to exist and describe Israel’s founding as “a catastrophe that is unprecedented in history.” Hillary has led the charge against this propaganda which she says indoctrinates instead of educates Palestinian children and actively prevents these young people from seeing Israel as a potential neighbor. As a Senator, Hillary continued to emphasize this issue, most recently joining with Palestinian Media Watch in February 2007 to release a new report that exposed the continuing anti-Israel and anti-Semitic biases in Palestinian schoolbooks.

Rejecting Hamas:
The Hamas terror campaign has claimed the lives of hundreds of innocent civilians in Israel and as a co-sponsor of the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act in 2006, Hillary voted to prevent any U.S. foreign assistance to flow to a Palestinian government in which Hamas was a participant. Hillary believes that Hamas and indeed all Palestinian groups need to demonstrate clearly and unequivocally their commitment to peace by renouncing violence and terror, recognizing Israel’s right to exist, and complying with previously signed agreements.

Foreign aid to Israel:
Hillary Clinton has consistently supported the annual foreign aid bill which in 2007 for Israel contained $2.34 billion in military aid, $120 million for economic assistance, and $40 million for refugee absorption. As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Hillary also advocates for US-Israel defense and security cooperation and has met with Israeli leaders to discuss shared challenges and common interests.


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Hillary Clinton: “UNDIVIDED JERUSALEM” – New Israel Paper Released

Posted by jewsforhillary on September 16, 2007

UPDATE: Here is a link to the text of the circulated position paper on Israel.

In her new position paper on Israel, Hillary Rodham Clinton comes not only to praise the Jewish state but to bury doubts that she would be any less vigilant in its protection than the Bush administration.

It says Clinton, the U.S. senator from New York and frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination “believes that Israel’s right to exist in safety as a Jewish state, with defensible borders and an undivided Jerusalem as its capital, secure from violence and terrorism, must never be questioned.”Clinton’s paper comes at a time when the Bush administration is quietly pressing the Israelis and the Palestinians to come up with a final-status outline ahead of a November peace conference — one that would address, among other issues, redrawn borders and a shared Jerusalem.

Spokesmen for Clinton denied that the language was timed to undercut the latest initiative.
“She’s had these positions for a long time and those haven’t changed,” spokesman Jin Chon told JTA. “Her experience and strength on supporting Israel have been steadfast. The paper is just a reflection of her consistent policy.”
Perhaps, but Clinton faces challenges for Jewish support from two flanks: Rudy Giuliani, the former New York mayor who is a Republican front-runner, has moved even further to the right of Bush, saying that now is not the time to consider Palestinian statehood. And Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), her chief rival for the Democratic nomination, has made considerable inroads among liberal Jewish donors.
Despite the stepped-up challenges from Obama and Giuliani, a recent poll of 200 rabbis from all of the major denominations named her as the presidential candidate most supportive of Israel and Jewish causes.
According to the survey conducted by a synagogue innovation and leadership organization called STAR, Synagogues: Transformation and Renewal, Clinton polled highest on the Israel question, at 22 percent, followed by Giuliani at 16 percent and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) at 3 percent.
Clinton also was ranked as most supportive of Jewish causes in America in general with 24 percent, followed again by Giuliani with 10 percent and Obama with 3 percent.
Ben Chouake, who heads New Jersey-based NORPAC, one of the most successful pro-Israel political action fund-raising committees, gave high marks to Clinton’s paper.

“I think it’s helpful,” Choake said, but added that he liked Giuliani’s approach of counting out Palestinian statehood for now “the best.”
“If you want to make a deal, you have to have someone you can make a deal with that’s credible and reliable, that can afford to make the deal, otherwise you’re surrendering,” he said.
Otherwise, the paper is a compendium of Israel-related issues Clinton has tried to make her own: She cites her lead in successful efforts to admit Israel’s first responder umbrella, Magen David Adom, into the International Committee of the Red Cross, and her adoption of the campaign to expose alleged incitement found in Palestinian textbooks.

Posted in 2008, Barack Obama, Iran, Israel, Israeli Security, Jerusalem, John Edwards, John McCain, NORPAC, Palestinian Media Watch, Rudy Giuliani | 2 Comments »

Rabbis see Clinton as top Israel backer, Supporter of US Jewry

Posted by jewsforhillary on September 10, 2007

Rabbis see Clinton as top Israel backer (JTA)
A plurality of rabbis named U.S. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) as the presidential candidate most supportive of Israel.
A synagogue innovation and leadership organization called STAR, Synagogues: Transformation and Renewal, surveyed 200 rabbis of all denominations in its second annual pre-Rosh Hashanah survey.
“Eight in 10 rabbis (82 percent — unchanged from last year) say they are more inclined to back political candidates who are pro-Israel over those who are not viewed as pro-Israel,” the surveyors concluded. “When asked which party is more supportive of Israel, almost half, 49 percent, say there is no difference in parties, 21 percent point to the Republican Party as more supportive, down from 35 percent last year, whereas 16 percent cite the Democratic Party as more supportive of Israel, a slight increase from 14 percent last year.”
Asked which candidate is most supportive of Israel, 41 percent said they were unsure. Clinton polled highest, at 22 percent, followed by former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, a Republican, at 16 percent, and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) at 3 percent. Clinton also was ranked as most supportive of Jewish causes in America in general with 24 percent, followed again by Giuliani with 10 percent and Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) with 3 percent.

Posted in Barack Obama, Hillary, Hillary Clinton, Israel, Jewish Politics | Leave a Comment »

Clinton commits on borders, Jerusalem

Posted by jewsforhillary on September 10, 2007

Clinton commits on borders, Jerusalem JTA

Hillary Clinton committed to an Israel with “defensible borders” and “an undivided Jerusalem as its capital” in her Israel position paper.

“Hillary Clinton believes that Israel’s right to exist in safety as a Jewish state, with defensible borders and an undivided Jerusalem as its capital, secure from violence and terrorism, must never be questioned,” the Democratic senator from New York and frontrunner for the presidential nomination said in her paper released Monday to JTA.

Those positions come just as Israel is considering a final-status offer to the Palestinians that would include sharing Jerusalem, giving up much of the West Bank and offering land swaps.

In the position paper, Clinton also said the United States should “do everything it can to deny nuclear weapons to Iran” and that “no option can be taken off the table.” The paper adds: “Hillary believes that the United States should use every tool in its arsenal — from imposing economic sanctions to siphoning off funds for Iran’s nuclear program to initiating a process of direct engagement with Iran.”

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