Jews For Hillary

Jewish Supporters of Hillary Clinton

Senator Hillary Clinton Condemns Attack on Elie Wiesel

Posted by jewsforhillary on February 13, 2007

Senator Clinton has  issued a statement condemning the vicious physical attack on and attempted kidnapping of Holocaust Survivor and Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel this past weekend in San Francisco by a holocaust denier bigot. Ironically, Clinton thus far seems to be the only 2008 hopeful to do so.

“The shameful attack on Elie Wiesel is a violent reminder that we must continue to speak out against Holocaust denial and against hate crimes that seek to silence free speech. Elie survived the Holocaust and has spent a lifetime urging us never to be indifferent toward horrible violence against humanity, never to be passive in the face of suffering and moral wrong. We must not be indifferent when confronting violent acts of hate or disgusting hate speech – whether preached by a world leader or petty thugs – like denying the horrors of the Holocaust. We should all take a page from Elie, passionately dedicating ourselves to fighting genocide, fighting indifference, and fighting for a better future for all children.”

4 Responses to “Senator Hillary Clinton Condemns Attack on Elie Wiesel”

  1. Bill White said

    And Clinton again demonstrates why she can’t win the White House.

    Face it — Wiesel has deserved a bullet in the back of the head for a long time.

  2. Holy Cow! said

    what a racist pig!

  3. Marck Leonce Breckner said

    Elie Weasel is the biggest liar on earth ,every one of his books are filled with lies,the holocost is hoax…for they all survived and they all all died,the number of the victims is growing everyday…what a joke !!!

  4. Marck,
    Eyewitnesses from all sides are still among the living. There are people who were there, be they victims, opressors, allied forces or the media who all bore witness. Elie Wiesel experienced horrors and lived to write about them. THe number of victims has never grown from the number that was documented and estimated 60 years ago.
    You are an ignorant individual.

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